
Office Address

#11,Shri Sai Krupa,Door No.2G, 14th Cross,Sampige Main Road Malleswaram,Opp. Sai Baba Temple,Bangalore-560003

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We're Good At

Our Service

We'll do everything we can to make our next best project!

Application Development

Now more than ever, enterprises are looking at IT as the game changer for their businesses. Whether it is to transform end-user experience, create new revenue channels or make their business future-ready, the change agent is IT. To stay ahead in today’s dynamic technology environment, IT departments have to simultaneously work on the old and the new.

To ensure our clients have an edge over their competitors, VCI continuously redefines its offerings across Application Development, Application Maintenance and Support, and Application Modernization.

Application Testing

Concept testing is a process that helps you assess the customer reaction to your proposed product or service prior to introducing it to the market. It typically involves conducting surveys with a group of potential users rating one or more of the statements relating to the concept.

  • Core Testing.
  • Specialized Testing.
  • End-End Testing.

Mobile App Testing

Here the mobile goes beyond just developing mobile apps. For us to know if an app is ready for the market, it needs to be rigorously tested which is why we also help you do mobile app testing. We will check to see if your apps can endure high loads, working as expected each time and yet easy to use for your customer base

  • Reliable.
  • High performing.
  • Intuitive.

Application Maintaince & Support

Organizations have to continue providing maintenance and support to existing applications in spite of challenges such as changing business practices, revised user priorities, depleted budgets and staff attrition. They require reliable partners who can take on the challenge of providing ongoing maintenance and support.

  • Understanding and documenting technical, systems/infrastructure, process and functional aspects of applications.
  • Preparing standard operating procedures for support request types by evaluating.
  • Application Support.
  • Technical Helpdesk Support.
  • Design update.
  • Upgrades and Patches.
  • Code Review.
  • Maintenance of Application Systems.
We Have Worked with Clients across industries

Get to know us better.

We truly care about our users and our product. We are dedicated to providing you with the best experience possible.

Automative,Communication,Retail,Industrial Manufacturing,Logistics,Financial Services

We Provide Solutions To Big & Small Organizations For Work

VCI PVT LTD is an India centric company which provides complete IT solution across this globe. Customer satisfaction is business objective and we can do anything to meet your expectations.